Broadwater County Museum and Library
A Member of Southwest Montana
133 North Walnut, Townsend, MT 59644
Phone: 406-266-5252
- Antiques
- Exhibit
- History
- Museum
- Tour
- Books
- Gift Shop
- Handicapped Accessible
- Maps
- Merchandise
- Parking
- Picnic Tables
- Public Restroom
- Tour
- Unescorted Tour
Our museum focuses on local area history. There are many exhibits, including those concerning mining, dental, a homestead cabin, a general store, blacksmith shop, and early photographic equipment, large exhibit of barb wire, a rural school, fossils, Lewis and Clark exhibit and the military. There are oral history tapes as well as bound volumes and newspapers (1870 to date).
Also a microfilm reader/printer with local newspapers from 1875 - 1965, local county census records from 1870 - 1930 and hard copies of the Townsend Star - 1897 to date. See the State Bank of Townsend walk-in display and a rural electrification exhibit showing early gasoline/wind charger for a 32 volt system.
No admittance fee. Donations are welcome.
We have a vast library of local information which includes family histories, building histories, and histories of many sites in the county.