Upper Blackfoot Valley Historical Museum

3955 Lincoln Gulch Road, Lincoln, MT 59639
Phone: 406-362-4099
The Upper Blackfoot Valley Historical Museum is a 4-acre museum on a site behind the Hi-Country Trading Post. It is believed that the site lies directly on the route taken by Meriwether Lewis in his travel through the Lincoln Valley. The Upper Blackfoot Valley Historical Society has a good collection of old mining, logging and ranching equipment used by the early pioneers as well as memorabilia and ephemera (photos, registers, documents). The larger artifacts are placed as outside exhibits. Smaller items are housed and displayed in the restored cabins and in the adjacent Hi-Country Beef Jerky Outlet store. The museum buildings play a vital role in presenting the heritage story to visitors and local residents.
Upper Blackfoot Valley Historical Society has complied a chronological and geographical history of the Lincoln Valley in a book called Gold Pans and Single trees. It is a 350 page book detailing the various ingredients integral to the lives endured by these early pioneers - heartaches, joys, births, deaths, good fortunes and bad, grueling work, loving care, friendships and feuds. This book is available at the Hi-Country Trading Post.