Red Rock Lakes
Majestic Trumpeter Swans faced extinction in the 1930s. These massive birds weigh between 20 and 30 pounds with wingspans up to 8 feet and have an appetite to match their size. Swans need 20 pounds of aquatic plants a day. Ideal swan habitat can support a large population (they are very social in the spring), is undisturbed by human activity, and has open water year round. Red Rock Lakes, in Gold West Country near Lima, meets all of those requirements. In 1935, the Red Rock Lakes National Wildlife Refuge was established to protect Trumpeter Swans as well as other waterfowl and migratory birds. Montana is lucky to be home to such an aquatic paradise. Everybody should take the opportunity to see the graceful swans glide, hear their haunting trumpet call ring across the water, and feel the rustle of beating wings as they take off.
Swans are not the only attraction at the Red Rock Lakes. You Red Rock Lakesmight also get the chance to see moose, sandhill cranes, curlews, peregrine falcons, eagles, hawks and owls, badgers, wolverines, bears, antelope, wolves, Arctic grayling fish and west slope cutthroat trout. Wildlife is abundant in this Refuge! There are two primitive campsites near the lakes. Accommodations can also be found in Lima.
Bring your camera and hiking shoes!
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