Clancy Montana

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Clancy boomed in the 1870s as a silver placer mining camp and quickly absorbed nearby towns like the once prosperous Prickly Pear City. When the silver diggings dwindled in the 1890s, Clancy would have died too, were it not for the efforts of Henry Hill, a Clancy resident. Hill had helped to establish Montana's first woolen mill in Clancy in 1879, and in 1896 he built a railroad yard on his ranch, which he sold to the Montana Central. Today you can experience the history of the region at the Jefferson County Museum in Clancy, or visit the abandoned silver camps around Clancy in the Lump Gulch area, most of which are in the nearby Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest. Camping, especially on the beautiful Park Lake, is also available in the National Forest.

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  1. Alhambra RV Park
    Alhambra RV Park
    Clancy, MT
    More Info
  2. Lee's Bunkhouse on Saddle Mountain
    Lee's Bunkhouse on Saddle Mountain
    Clancy, MT
    More Info
  3. 4-R Ranch & Cattle Company
    4-R Ranch & Cattle Company
    Clancy, MT
    More Info
  4. Park Lake Campground
    Park Lake Campground
    Clancy, MT
    More Info