Walkerville Montana

Walkerville, a suburb of Butte, had some of the earliest mines in the district. Later on, Walkerville mines attracted some of the earliest investors to Butte, and the Walkerville silver mines remained an important part of the Butte economy until 1893. Despite the fall in silver prices in 1893, Butte and Walkerville remained strong because of their copper production.
In 1977, the city of Butte and the county of Silver Bow consolidated their governments. Walkerville, however, continued to manage its own affairs, despite being within Silver Bow County. Today, the town of less than seven hundred perches on a hill overlooking Butte, a tribute to the independent spirit of the largely Cornish immigrants who founded it. Many of the buildings in Walkerville are part of the Butte-Anaconda Historic District, and the history hound should have a good time wandering the rambling streets.