Canyon Ferry Brewing

300 Broadway, Townsend, MT 59644
Phone: 406-266-9939
Friday - Sunday 12:00 pm - 8:00 pm
It was something to brag about when in about 1882 Thomas Dixon established a full scale brewery for the manufacture of fine beer. Dixon's "Primrose" gained its reputation because of the pure mountain water and Gallatin malt. It proved to be of such excellent quality that his famous brand of "Primrose" was known in many parts of the territory and a ready sale was the result.
Thomas Dixon numbered among the first businessmen in Townsend and was ready to get one of the first corner lots and build a structure for a saloon. It was one of the finest bars in the northwest, created from very fine cherry and extravagant mirrors and back bar.
The Dixon Brewery was a popular place in the horse and buggy days, many driving out for a few hours of relaxation and to test the beer on a hot Sunday afternoon.
Today, Kelli and Tadd honor the tradition of Dixon's original brewery by crafting a selection of beers that keep with the Montana tradition of excellence. The current location of Canyon Ferry Brewing is the original site of Dixon's saloon.