Grand Lodge of Montana Museum and Library
425 North Park, Helena, MT 59624
Phone: 406-442-7774
- American Heritage
- Antiques
- Art
- Cultural
- Education
- Exhibit
- Heritage
- History
- Museum
- Parking
- Public Restroom
- Registered Historic Site
- Tour
- Unescorted Tour
The Grand Lodge Office, Museum and Library were built on a former placer mining claim, the cornerstone was laid on July 18, 1936. Since that time the Library and Museum have enjoyed a growth and patronage that distinguishes it as respectable museum and library with collections of Masonic items, books and manuscripts. Some of the many valuable and historic items on display within the Masonic Grand Lodge Museum include the Masonic apron of Brother Meriwether Lewis, the hand written manuscript of Paris Pfouts (the first mayor of Virginia City) and Olaf C. Seltzer's depiction of the first recorded Masonic meeting in Montana on Mullan Pass.