Red Shed Gift Shop

209 N Main Street, Twin Bridges, MT 59754
Phone: 406-596-5255
- Antiques
- Art
- Arts And Crafts
- Dining
- Fishing
- Folk Art
- Native Art
- Photography
- Shopping
- Western Art
- Wildlife Art
- Books
- Cafe
- Coffee Shop
- Handicapped Accessible
- Huckleberry Products
- Jewelry
- Made In Montana Products
- Maps
- Merchandise
- Montana Apparel
- Montana Souvenirs
- Parking
- Snack Bar
Winter: 12:00 noon-5:00pm
Unique Gifts and Amazing Stuff is what our signs say, and what our customers say too! We have a wide selection of more practical gifts at fun prices. This is not a high priced boutique, it is where the locals shop and relax for unique, often one of a kind items. Catering and Huckleberry Pie are now available!
Our merchandise is varied! It ranges from toys, clothing, knives, jewelry, purses, clocks, local art, to antiques and junk-tiques. We also have delicious food!
Feel free to stop in or contact us for more information!