Continental Divide Trail

The Continental Divide Trail will climb and descend the peaks of the Rocky Mountains from Canada to Mexico, traversing mountainside meadows, granite peaks and high-desert saddles. Through five states, 25 National Forests, 20 Wilderness areas, 3 National Parks, 1 National Monument and 8 Bureau of Land Management Resource Areas- the Continental Divide Trail travels 3,100 miles through America's most dramatic and wild backcountry. The biggest share of the Continental Divide National Scenic Trail will be 820 miles along Montana's rugged Divide.
Access Points from Beaverhead Deerlodge National Forest:
*Pipestone Pass: From Butte travel south on Continental Drive to the intersection with MT Highway 2. Turn left onto the highway and travel approximately 6 miles to the top of the pass. There is a trailhead on the right that accesses the CDT to the north and south.
*Homestake Pass: From Butte, MT travel East on Interstate 90 7.2 miles to Homestake Pass; there is a trailhead to the right that accesses the CDT to the south. Travel north on FS road 222 for 12 miles to Halfway Park road; then north the Nez Perce Trail 92.
*Lower Seymour Lake trailhead: Travel 11 miles west of Wise River on Highway 43, then take Anaconda Road 274 north for 4 miles, then take Seymour Creek 934 northwest for 8 miles.
*Rocky Ridge trailhead: From Butte, follow I-15 south for approximately 15 miles. Get off at the Feeley Hill exit. Take the road from Feeley Hill west approximately 2.5 miles to the well signed Rocky Ridge Trailhead.